Be Still?!
Last night Jonathan and I ventured out to St. Martins to a retreat centre. We had already postponed this once due to babysitting and almost cancelled because, you know, we're "so busy". But we went. Here's how much I have to learn about retreating. I kept thinking, what are we going to do? There's no radio, there's no'll be just us in a cabin in wintertime, it'll be dark when we get we brought my laptop and rented a movie. Yep, you read that right. Well, thank goodness that Ken and Fay (who's centre it is) know so much more about retreating than we do! We get there and the woodstove has a fire going and they've addressed a card to us and given us bookmarks that outline how to retreat and just be still. I'm so glad they did. I poured Jonathan and I each a glass of sparkling grape juice and we relaxed and we talked. (Imagine that). We never did watch that movie and I can honestly say that today, I feel so good, so relaxed (the bubble bath I had this morning helped too). I didn't even want the radio on as we drove home. So thank you Ken and Fay for your Breath of Heaven cottage! To see more click here: