Sunday, July 30, 2006

Elijah is 2!

My amazing little boy has officially joined the ranks of the terrible 2's (which I would like to rename the terrific 2's because he's just lovely!) . In keeping with the theme of 2, we had 2 parties, 2 cakes, 2 pools...
The first party was your ideal summer kids birthday party. The sun was out (praise the Lord! - after the thunderstorm during the night, and me wondering, what the heck am I going to do with all those kids inside the house?). Elijah's friends and their parents began arriving at 10:30 (2 hours before naptime, good thinking Mommy!). My friend Luan brought her sister's kiddie pool to add beside ours (thank you Luan!). I set out bubbles and sidewalk chalk, Elijah's basketball hoop and other assorted outside toys and we let the kids go at 'er. They had a ball! The parents set up umbrellas and blankets. There was plenty of shade for Baby Zachary and Baby Arlo to sleep in. And plenty of food for the kids to come running to. Actually it was almost a task to get them come for cake, they were so happy to be splashing in the water!
The second party was really an excuse for us to have some friends over. Friends without little ones, that love Elijah and wanted to celebrate the day with us. This time we had a BBQ. A bought cake (the one in the morning was homemade Elmo, the evening one was pre-made Bob the Builder). And surprisingly enough, most were into watching Elijah's new Thomas the Train video (who knew?). I finally got to meet Steven's invisible friend Virginia (who is a real person, and a lovely one at that!). And we had a great time. It's too bad that this morning Elijah decided that we needed a morning drum solo to us up at 6:20 instead of letting us sleep in! I guess that is what we get for buying him a drum kit!
Thanks to all who came and celebrated with us. Thank you for the lovely gifts and lovely time!


At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We miss you guys already.

on another note. The only reason for me to have the site I have is you .. and now youve moved to my husbands fav. Blog posting space... i fear I may have lost the msn spaces is better then Blogger battle.
thanks Kristen. LOL

At 1:26 AM, Blogger Shawn Branch said...

Happy Birthday Elijah!

At 9:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

B-e-a-utiful!!! nice to see you in the blog community Kristen...welcome!!


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